Bosch Ndc-225-pi Video Camera Ip Poe Dome Camera Infrared Teleca Refurbished Simpletek Code 14176 Condition: Grade B Refurbished Warranty: 12 months Package Contents: Camera, No Accessories Description Bosch NDC-225-PI Overview The Bosch NDC-225-PI Day/Night Infrared IP Dome Camera, with a 1/4" CMOS sensor and a fixed 4mm lens (f/1.5), provides high-quality imagery at up to 640 x 480 pixels at a maximum frame rate of 30 fps. With H.264 compression technology, the IP camera maintains video image quality while minimizing storage needs and maximizing network resources. Progressive scan technology allows the camera to produce sharp images even in demanding scenes with high motion content. Equipped with an active infrared illuminator comprising 32 IR LEDs, the camera can capture high-quality images even in complete darkness, and provide a night visibility range of up to 50' (15m). Tri-streaming video feature allows the camera to simultaneously generate 2 independent H.264 streams and 1 M-JPEG stream. With the ONVIF 1.0 (Open Network Video Interface Forum) standard, the camera is compatible with other surveillance products. Support for a removable microSD/SDHC card reduces the need for a hard disk or DVR, thereby saving network bandwidth. To record long duration videos, the camera can be used in unison with an iSCSI server connected over the network. The included 16-channel PC surveillance software provides easy setup and configuration. Its built-in wizard makes use of an auto detection device to configure multiple cameras simultaneously. Supporting 2-way audio, the NDC-225-PI IP Dome Camera enables remote users to hear and send alarm messages to visitors or intruders with the help of an external loudspeaker (not included). In addition, you can also use audio detection to generate an alarm. The tamper and motion detection feature uses a built-in algorithm to Trigger an alarm by identifying changes in the video signal. PoE (Power over Ethernet) supplies power to the camera from the network itself without any extra wiring for auxiliary power outlets. 1/4" CMOS sensor Fixed 4mm lens H.264 compression technology Progressive scan technology shoots sharp images even in demanding scenes with high motion content. IR LEDs help capture high-quality images even in complete darkness, and provide a night visibility range of up to 50' (15m) Tri-stream video feature allows the camera to simultaneously generate 2 independent H.264 streams and 1 M-JPEG stream Enables live streaming and recording of H.264 videos, while relaying M-JPEG images to a different device simultaneously ONVIF 1.0 (Open Network Video Interface Forum) enables exchange and use of live video, audio, metadata, and control information between network video products Support for a removable microSD/SDHC card (up to 32 GB) reduces the need for a hard disk or DVR, thereby saving network bandwidth Can be used in unison with an iSCSI server connected over the network 16-channel PC surveillance software provides easy setup and configuration Built-in wizard makes use of an auto detection device to configure multiple cameras simultaneously 2-way audio enables the remote user to hear and send alarm messages to visitors or intruders with the help of an external loudspeaker (not included) Tamper and motion detection uses a built-in algorithm to Trigger an alarm by identifying changes in the video signal. PoE (Power Over Ethernet) supplies power to the camera from the network itself without any extra wiring for auxiliary power outlets 7HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV 3RZHU ,QSXWYROWDJH 9'&RU 3RZHURYHU(WKHUQHW 3RZHUFRQVXPSWLRQ : PD[ 9LGHR 6HQVRUWSH è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ontact us, click here eBay store powered by Shopping Feed. The Bosch NDC-225-PI Day/Night Infrared IP Dome Camera, with a 1/4" CMOS sensor and a fixed 4mm lens (f/1.5), provides high-quality imagery at up to 640 x 480 pixels at a maximum frame rate of 30 fps. With H.264 compression technology, the IP camera maintains video image quality while minimizing storage needs and maximizing network resources. Progressive scan technology allows the camera to produce sharp images even in demanding scenes with high motion content. Supporting 2-way audio, the NDC-225-PI IP Dome Camera enables remote users to hear and send alarm messages to visitors or intruders with the help of an external loudspeaker (not included). In addition, you can also use audio detection to generate an alarm. The tamper and motion detection feature uses a built-in algorithm to Trigger